Monday, May 31, 2010

On bended knee!

I proposed to my girl on bended knee and all!

Why? People have asked. Are you insane? People have said. Why conform to the rest of heterosexual society surely us gay / lesbian people do not have to conform to the rest of the world?

This was not a rash decision, this was not a decision made in the “after –glow” of sex, you know those decisions you make after having a great orgasm? you look at your lover, tell her you love her and ask her to marry you!

Nope this was a well thought out and planned decision.

Here are just a few of reasons to get married that people do not know about:

Couples marrying in terms of the Civil Union Act may choose whether their union is called a civil partnership or a marriage partnership.

Couples joined in a marriage partnership in terms of that act enjoy the same privileges as couples married in terms of the Marriage Act.

Transfer, Bereavement Leave, Burial Determination, Child Custody , Crime Victim’s Recovery Benefits
Divorce Protections, Domestic Violence Protection, Exemption from Property Tax on Partner’s Death
Immunity from Testifying Against Spouse, Insurance Breaks, Joint Adoption and Foster Care
Joint Bankruptcy, Joint Parenting (Insurance Coverage, School Records), Medical Decisions on Behalf of Partner
Certain Property Rights , Sick Leave to Care for Partner, Visitation of Partner’s Children
Wrongful Death (Loss of Consort) Benefits, Insurance Breaks, Medical Decisions on Behalf of Partner
Tax Breaks and Visitation of Partner in Hospital or Prison

As well as a logical decision this was also a decision of love, and of being in love and waking up with the realization that this is the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. The person you want to grow old with and get your blue rinses at the same hairdresser at the age of 80.

Not many people get to feel this way about someone, I thank the universe every day for having someone like her in my life, she makes the craziness of my family more bearable and my life livable.

And now let me get back to my wedding arrangements…

Thursday, May 20, 2010


I have resigned from my boring help desk job and move forward to a wonderful new career...I have been in an openly gay friendly company where the 10% of the gay/lesbian people in South Africa work for this company, the CEO when interviewing says to the candidates that if they have a problem with gay people then the company is not the place for them.

I have really enjoyed my company from this aspect, being an out lesbian it was really great being able to be myself without that fear of "what if someone finds out!"

As a parting gift I have awarded Mr Men and Little Ms Characters to my company and team.

Mr. "I'm working from home" A.K.A Mr. “Boss” - he is really on the golf course or in his garden.

Mr. "Nice Guy" - nice because the HR person told him to be.

Little Ms "Work-a-holic" - she doesn't have a life and too afraid to get one.

Mr. "Cool" A.K.A Mr. "Debt" he has a new hairstyle each week and drives buys the things he doesn’t need with the money he doesn’t have.

Little Miss "Label” – she is closely related to Mr. “Debt” you will also see her in designer wear, new hairstyles and new shoes all bought on credit of course.

Little Miss “Gossip” – this needs no explanation.

Mr. “Gossip” – hangs out with Little Miss “Gossip” and knows a lot more information than she does.

Little Miss “Kiss Ass” A.K.A Little Miss “Company Bicycle” – she literally kisses ass and as much of it as possible, her close friend is Mr. “I promise- you- a- promotion- if –you- blow –me”.

Mr. “Give-me-a-hug” A.K.A Mr. “Sexual Harasser” – who pretends to just need a hug but assures you that you are not his type and he is married with 3.5 kids.

Little Miss “Perfect” A.K.A Little Miss “Megalomaniac” – her close friend is Little
Miss “Kiss Ass” – usually in a management position never wants to delegate work for fear of having it done better than her.

Mr. “Lazy” – he hangs around the coffee machine and spends time with Mr. “Stupid”, he is always late and loves sending other people email about not doing his tasks or gets Mr. “Stupid” to complete them for him.

Mr.” Politician” A.K.A Mr. “Backstabber” – he hangs around the senior manager's offices, plays golf and has lunches in order for him to get the top job whilst not having to work for it.

Little Miss “Helpful” A.K.A Little Miss “Can’t say NO”– the most wonderful person in the office, also the most used and abused.

Little Miss “Office Furniture” – she has been at the company for years , she has been doing the same thing for years and is not about to leave until she dies in her chair.

Mr. “Hypochondriac “ – he spends most of his day telling everyone about his aches and pains and usually they are worse than yours!

Little Miss and Mr. “Party Animals” – they spend their time drinking and getting stoned. They go to company parties just for the free drinks and food.

Mr. “Loud” – what is that old saying about empty vessels?

Little Miss “Silent” – she daydreams about bring an AK47 to the office and killing them all.

Mr. “Office Clown” A.K.A Mr. “Attention Seeker” – no explanation, tends to be ignored by the rest of the company, people don’t laugh with him they laugh at him.

Little Miss “Honest and Reliable” and Mr. “Honest and Reliable – these are very sought after, prehistoric creatures and a company would be honoured to have one of these.

I am going to miss them all.