Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Alcohol and why do we drink so much of it?

Research provided me with some information of this drug:

Method of use:
Liquid which is swallowed

Scientific / Trade or Slang Name
Ethanol, Ethyl Alcohol, Booze, alcohol brand names, beers, wines, spirits, liqueurs.

Do you know the short term effects of Alcohol?
Effects may last several hours. Intensity and speed of onset increased if alcohol is concentrated and stomach empty. Half a pint of beer, a glass of wine and a single whiskey contain the same amount of alcohol. Known to cause clumsiness and impaired judgment.

And the long term effects?
Heavy drinking is associated with increased risk of strokes, liver disease, high blood pressure, infertility, diseases of the nervous system and strong physical dependence. Withdrawal after very heavy use can involve delirium which can be fatal.

How long does it stays in your system?
Lasts in your system approximately one hour per unit consumed. There are approximately 2 Units in a regular Pint of Beer.

Here is an interesting fact about alcohol:
People who regularly drink alcohol are three times as likely to die from injury as are non-drinkers and former drinkers of alcohol, according to new research from the Center for Injury Research and Policy at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
The Hopkins researchers examined the relationship between usual drinking behavior and the major categories of injury: motor vehicle injuries; unintentional falls, fire deaths, drowning and poisoning; suicide by poisoning, firearm and hanging, strangulation or suffocation; firearm-related homicide; and other homicide.

So why do we as a community drink so much knowing the full effects of this drug?
Here are my reasons:

Impaired judgement: which can sometimes be a good thing, I mean how else are we meant to get lucky?

Loss of inihibitions: which is also not a bad thing, really except when you wake up with the “cayote ugly feeling” of the girl lying next to you or the several girls lying next to you. Drinking does have the effect for reducing that initial shyness of introducing yourself.

The ability to make new friends: ever gone to a party realising that you know absolutely noone? Then people start drinking and all of a sudden you are surrounded by new best friends! How wonderful especially if you are an introvert.

The “truth” drug: I know a lot of girls, once they start drinking, they start talking and they don’t stop, lucky for some I am a loyal friend and can keep secrets, but for the rest of these women, information can sometimes fall into the wrong hands.

To take the “edge” off, because we enjoy it?: This is the main reason that we drink, gay people just love a good party! We love our dinner parties! We love our braai’s and get togethers where we relax with our friends, what is a party without drinking people interesting, or exciting or cute?

My point is, drink if you want to, I do. Have a good time, just take care of yourself and the people you care about and that care about you!