Wednesday, April 28, 2010

So Im Engayged!

Well I proposed to my girlfriend, my lover, my best friend, my angel on bended knee with poem and rose in hand!

I have such feelings of elation and love knowing that she wants to spend the rest of her life listening to me snore.

She wants to spend the rest of her life loving me and I am going to spend the rest of my life loving her.

I have not stopped smiling since she said yes, I have been on a "love" high for the last month!

SA is one of 7 countries in the world where gay / lesbian marriage is legal and where we have rights. I am so thankful that I can share my love for my same-sex partner, there are so many people who have died for their beliefs and this cause.

people ask how does one know when to take that next step, my personal answer to myself was when my brain, heart and loins were all on the same page about the same person that's when I knew it was time.

I look forward to many happy moments with my wife to be and hope we can live to the age where we will look cool in purple hats!