Monday, October 5, 2009

Do we have "Pride"

This weekend was the Gay/Lesbian etc Pride Parade in Johannesburg, South Africa. I attended as I always do every year and have been for the last 9 years.
This year was different, I have gotten to a stage in my life where I have been questioning everything from religious/ spiritual views to the cloths that I wear.

This year I asked myself, Why do we attend Pride? is there a reason for us to still be seen to still show a presense?

Personally my answer is YES! although South Africa has a democratic and tolerant constitution, we still need to show our presence as it is constantly threatened. It seems that people just don't want to leave us gay/lesbian people be.

We march for people in countries who can't march, people who cant kiss their lovers or show affection to someone they love in public without experiencing the bigotry, wrath or even a death sentence.

We march as a reminder that our rights can be taken away from us at anytime a government or state decides to.

We march in memory of those lost in violence because they were different and did'nt want to conform.

We march in solidarity with our family who became our "family" when some of our own family rejected us for wanting to live a life true to what we deserve.

We march because as a whole this is still a homophobic society and world that we live in that fear difference and non-conformity. Where minorities are still beaten and killed for no reason.

We march because the rest of the world see's the rainbow flag as a reminder of sin and immorality that ruins lives and devastates families.


I personally feel that some of the community seems to forget why we march and why we celebrate and it saddens me.