Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Wow what a year! 2009

This year has been quit an eye opener for me in terms of relationships, friendships, career, family and traveling.

My highlights for this year have been:

1. Going to London, Paris and Amsterdam - it has really given me itchy feet to do some much more of it.

2. Getting to know and trust my partner more, loving everything about her, opening myself up just a little more ( I highly recommend this!) to know that long term relationships can be fulfilling.

3. Getting to know my cousins again, they have been living in England for years and I never see them.
Seeing my aunt and re-connecting with her, I am so glad to have a family member in my life who just knows me.

4. Achieving in a course, learning that I can learn, truly getting back into the studying after a long while.

5. The wool being pulled from my eyes, seeing things clearly in terms of my work and what I want from my career, realising that people can be such users, can hurt, can undermine and can put down how strong I have become? I realised that I too need to be appreciated and that I too matter!

6.Being able to maintain my weight somewhat as a person who battles with the bulge.

7.Creating new friendships and ridding myself of the friends that do not contribute positively to my life.

8.Learning how to stretch my money further this year with the recession.

9.Learning that when things get tough not to throw in the towel. Just keep going.

10.Learning that in your 30's perspective seems to come into focus.

Lets say goodbye to 2009, hoping that 2010 will be far better and more goals reached, let 2010 be peaceful, prosperous, healthy and loving!