Monday, May 12, 2008


I took my mother out for cake and coffee for "Mother's Day", my mother and I do not have the easiest relationship and it became more estranged and strained when I came out. Yesterday was the first time in weeks that I saw her face light up when I walked through the door, it made me feel welcome and loved again even if it was superficial, even though she didnt mention my partner or ask me how living together and creating a life with my partner is, or when she could come over for a meal or some tea.

Why is it that we try please our families particularly our parents? Why do I need their approval so much? Will it make me love myself more, could I be happy living the life my parents wanted even though it makes me miserable?

I think that when we come out and live an openly gay/lesbian lifestyle, we tend to make our own families, we meet people who are in the same situation as us and sometimes our friendships formed with these people are closer than those of our biological families.

Yet one can never replace the biological family and love them or hate them, you had no choice in the matter when you came into this world and neither did they.

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